This is Part 5 of "How UNBOUND Writing changes the world", and in this part, we are exploring the second stage of the UNBOUND writing process: conceiving what your book is going to be about.
Stage one of the UNBOUND writing process is COMMIT, as we saw in the last post of this series. Stage two is CONCEIVE: to conceive the idea that wants to come through you at this time for this particular book.
This is about unlocking the very specific book that wants to come through you at this time.
The idea that there's a specific book that wants to come through you at this time can feel a bit daunting; it can feel like a pressure to bring through the right book.
But, you cannot get this wrong.
Just give yourself permission to start writing whatever wants to come through, and I guarantee you’ll unlock that specific book, that specific idea.
It doesn't always come immediately; that's why I don't want you to see these stages as a rigid, linear process. You’ll continually be in this process of conception.
It's all good.
It's really juicy, and it enables you to get to the most powerful essence of what you want to share.
This is about writing THE book, not just any book.
You don't want to be trying to figure it all out from up in your head. This is about really feeling into what wants to come through.
In order to do that, you want to provide the right conditions for conception.
So, like any kind of conception, you want the conditions to be right.
What does that mean to you in terms of being able to be in a place of receptivity, to be able to receive the ideas, the downloads that want to come through for you?
It's most likely that this will require some kind of spaciousness. It doesn't have to be a huge expanse of space. It's not like you have to clear months in your diary!
But throughout your day, or at certain times during the week, creating this spaciousness so you're able to connect with the ideas that are coming through you, to feel that sense of inspiration, to be in a place of receptivity. [To read more about the UNBOUND Process and how our other authors created space, hear more from Jo, Sarah and Erica. For me, being in nature is one of the ideal conditions for me to conceive and connect with the ideas that want to come through. So, this is a case of thinking about what’s going to help you to conceive your book.
You really gain clarity through writing.
Your book will evolve throughout the process, so choose to allow that.
What you begin with probably won't be what you end with. And that's okay.
Your book-writing is like a journey, and you may take a twisty, turny path along the way.
Sometimes it may feel like you're going backwards. But when you see it as a kind of spiral, you're never going backwards. You're just coming around at things from a different angle. So choose to trust that.
Over the final two blogs in this series, we will be looking at the last 2 stages of the UNBOUND writing process.
Until then, UNBOUND one,
Nicola x
PS. If you don't want to wait to embark on your own unbound writing journey, I'd love to find out more about you and your writing plans. Click here to schedule a complimentary exploratory chat.