Welcome back, UNBOUND one.
This is part 4 of "How UNBOUND Writing changes the world", and in this part, we are exploring the first stage of the UNBOUND writing process: committing to your book COMMITMENT.
You can read Part 1 right here
Part 2 is right here.
Part 3 is here
Stage one of writing the UNBOUND way is to commit to your book, to commit to being the author that you're here to be.
To demonstrate the importance of this, let me share a quote I love SO much:
‘Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans, that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have otherwise occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man, or woman, could have dreamed would have come her way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.’ Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe
This quote really speaks to stage one of the unbound writing process, which is to make a clear and powerful commitment to your book, to your writing, and to yourself as the author you are here to be.
If you notice some resistance to thinking of yourself as an author, I want to invite you to really sit with the idea that you already ARE an author.
Even if you've never written a book before, the fact that you're feeling a call to write a book means you are here to be an author.
One of the key ways to harness the power of this stage is to make a declaration; to yourself, to The Universe and at least one other person.
So you want to make some kind of public declaration that yes you are writing your book, and you're going to be sharing it with the world. When you do that, you create a powerful momentum. It removes doubt and it creates a container for your book to unfold. As soon as you make this clear commitment, what you'll notice is different ideas coming through for you.; you'll have experiences or conversations which feel like they are meant in some way as material for your book. When you're aware of it, you'll notice things all the time.
As something's happening to you, or something's coming up for you, you’ll know "oh okay, I think this is meant for the book".
So everything starts to operate in your favour in terms of writing your book.
[Read more on in these posts on how UNBOUND authors Erica and Sarah wrote their books].
Part of commitment is also choosing to inhabit your being as a writer, the author of your book, someone who has something of value to share. So that's a way of really galvanising your sense of commitment.
To help with this, you can start asking these questions:
- What do I do when I am inhabiting my being as an author?
- What kind of thoughts do I have?
- How do I support myself?
These are all questions that you want to be asking at this stage.
You want to be deciding the support you’ll put in place to help you to write your book.
So that might be in terms of clearing space and time for you to dedicate to your writing, or thinking about the actual physical space in which you choose to write and the way you choose to write.
Certainly having some kind of support in place, which may be a mastermind group, an accountability
buddy, or a coach, or a mentor - someone like me.
What do you want to have in place to really support you through your writing process?
These are all different layers of commitment for you to consider.
In the next blog in this series, we will be looking at the second stage of UNBOUND writing:
Until then, UNBOUND one,
Nicola x
PS. If you don't want to wait to embark on your own unbound writing journey, I'd love to find out more about you and your writing plans. Click here to schedule a complimentary exploratory chat.