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Connecting the Dots: Making Magic with the Media

Writer's picture: Nicola HumberNicola Humber

Connecting the Dots: Making Magic With The Media, Up-level Your Brand On Your Terms is a refreshingly authentic lens on the PR world.

Author Sarah Lloyd has written the book in three parts; the story of her own personal journey in publicity, tried and tested methods you can use, and an opportunity to identify your own ‘dots’ so you can apply it to your business.

Sarah has over twenty years of public relations experience and is the owner of IndigoSoulPR. A Reiki master and angelic healer, she has a natural, intuitive ability to discern both what clients are from their PR, and what the press are looking for.

'Connecting The Dots' explores Sarah’s experience and relationship with the corporate world, and how her own spiritual journey influenced how she approaches her work.

The PR industry is, typically, a hurried, frenzied culture; Sarah offers a spacious, creative, intuitive approach that has benefits for both clients seeking PR and PR consultants themselves in search of an alternative, aligned way of working. On a practical level, the book offers some ‘cut out and keep’ resources on how to create a press release, how to write a pitch, and what different ways you can communicate with the media.

On an UNBOUND level, the book gives guidance on using space, flow and intuition to discern how and where to tell your story to the media in a truly authentic way. It also offers PR consultants who are seeking a new way to embrace their industry a different way to approach business.


The media has huge power and influence, and Sarah truly believes that if it’s used in the right way it has the power to change our world for the better.

Connecting the Dots is part of making that change. Sarah’s book shows us how when we create a different energy behind an idea, and we make space for it and allow the right connections and collaborations to happen, we see great results with placing stories. Connecting The Dots: Making Magic with the Media - Up level your Brand on Your Terms is published by The UNBOUND Press and is available from February 13th on this link. Meet the Author:

Sarah is married to Karl, and is mum to Lucy 6, and Amy 4.

In her spare time she helps out at the girls school by getting involved with the PTA, and is Chair of the Preschool. Her hobbies are messing about with crystals and oracle cards, reiki, reading books, walking and live music concerts (especially festivals!).

Sarah's UNBOUND writing process: Sarah felt called to write 'Connecting the Dots' about a year after starting her business, Indigo Soul PR. The book serves as a way to share the insights and wisdom she was experiencing in running her business with a spiritual approach, and as a way to scale and reach a wider audience. Sarah wrote the book over 8 months. Her kids, the culture around her, and events during the writing process all helped to inspire and frame her writing as she made space and allowed the downloads to arrive.

Sarah found that working in a non-structured, truly UNBOUND way helped the book to take shape.

She would “tune-in”, and write pieces of the book when she felt called to include a subject or theme, and the book began to take shape. Sarah enjoyed a full circle moment during an UNBOUND authors weekend in Glastonbury, when her original PR guru Lynne Franks arrived to have a cup of tea with the authors. -------

Here at the UNBOUND Press, we love to encourage our community of UNBOUND women to express themselves through the writing process. Whether you become an author with us or not, our heartfelt wish is that you begin to find your voice in life, and to express yourself as fully as possible. Use these journal prompts to spark some ideas in your own journal - whether you take pen to paper or finger to keyboard, feel free to use them to spark your writing process. We love to hear about your ideas, so if it feels good to do so, please share with us what comes up from your journal prompts via Instagram @theunboundpress using the hashtag #unboundjournalprompts. Journal Prompts:

Sarah was inspired by conversations and situations she found herself in with her children. Have you had challenging or interesting family conversations recently? How can you use one of them as a starting point for a story?

Have you ever felt really inspired to write about a certain subject?

How could you capture those ideas in the moment?(for example a notebook carried with you, audio notes on your phone, or anything else that comes to mind!). Have you ever explored those inspired “nudges”? If so, what happened? If not, what resistance did you have, and why?

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