We are delighted to announce that Alison Shaloe has signed with The Unbound Press to publish her upcoming book, Baby Talk To Me.

Alison is a midwife, lactation consultant, birth trauma specialist, Reiki healer and baby spirit medium. Alison wrote this book after a spiritual awakening in 2017 when she became aware of her intuitive abilities and baby spirits started to communicate with her in the work that she was doing with mothers and babies.
As Alison started to write intuitively she realised what she was writing was coming from a higher source. She continued writing to see what unfolded, and with this book Alison has brought her midwifery knowledge and the messages from spirit babies together to offer support and healing to women and mothers.
Baby Talk To Me is a combination of Alison’s story which includes her spiritual awakening and journey to this book. It includes midwifery knowledge coupled with messages from the spirit baby realm as they have healing messages for their mothers on all things related to fertility, pregnancy loss, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and early mothering.
This book is for anyone who will ever have a baby, who is having a baby, has had a baby or who supports women who have had babies.
The Unbound Press are excited to be working with Alison to birth this book into the world, as she has SUCH a potent blend of wisdom and knowledge to share. Bringing together her experience as a midwife with her intuitive abilities, Baby Talk To Me is going to offer deep support to mothers and mothers-to-be.
Find out more about Alison and her work at:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spiritbabycommunication/ and https://www.instagram.com/alisonshaloe_/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alison.shaloe.